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Sample Shipping Policy

Shipping policies are very industry and location specific. Following are some main shipping issues you need to define for your store.

WHAT do you ship?
Are all your products shippable or do some restrictions apply?

WHEN do you ship?
Tell your customer at which point you ship out their order.

WHERE do you ship to?
Let customers know if you ship on a global basis or whether there are exclusions for certain countries or areas.

HOW do you ship?
Here you outline the method of transportation and possibly which specific freight companies you use.

RATES to ship?
Consider publishing your rates and/or methods of calculating shipping charges.

How to track an order that's been shipped?
Describe any methods your customer can use to track their shipment.

Instore pick up option?
If you have brick and mortar locations, can customers pick up orders there. Provide locations, directions and hours of operation.

Recycling of packing materials?
Are your packing materials green? Let your customers know how to recycle them.


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