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Email Troubleshooting
Spam Prevention


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Email Us envelope -contact us for web hosting  in Canada

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Our Ice Warp Email Service includes a "copy to" feature that allows sending copies of all incoming or outgoing or both to an alternate email address. This feature is particularly handy for Blackberry users that wish to retain their traditional email boxes on their pc's but still be in touch by using their Blackberry.

Hosted Microsoft Exchange
Chinook Webs can provide managed hosted Exchange servers. In Calgary we offer consulting services for Microsoft Exchange Server.

Email addresses on your web page are the #1 source of Spam email!

It has been our experience that email addresses listed on your web site are a guaranteed spam magnet. Proof of this is we also have private addresses that never get spammed. What the spammers do is they use automated systems to read through your web page and pick up email addresses. These automated systems are generally referred to as robots and operate in a very similar fashion to search engine spiders (the good guys).

This page is dedicated to showing you how to make it harder (not impossible) for the automated robots to pick up your email address while still offering your visitors the point and click functionality.

Here is an example : Email Us envelope -contact us for web hosting  in Canada <--go ahead and click on it

What we did here was to use Javascript to creat a pop up windows. Javascript is difficult (at present time) for robots to follow because it requires a click in order to invoke it. We didn't stop there though, the windows that opens up presents an email address but that address has been coded (or assembled) in order to provide additional protection from being harvested. Below we will show you how to set up this code, it is really not all that difficult.

A popup really is two pages of standard html. The first page is where the "hotlink" is on and will contain your website content and the second page is the popup itself which will contain the email address.

On the first page that contains the link to the popup we need two bits of code. The first bit goes into the head of the document like this:

<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0

The above code snip is our basic engine that can open as many popup windows as we like. Make sure you place this code somewhere between the <head> and the </head> tag.

The second bit of code on the first page looks like this:

<a href="Javascript:;" onClick="MM_openBrWindow
('test.htm','email','scrollbars=yes,width=300,height=100')">mail us</a>

The above code is what creates the popup link (you can have as many of these on the page as you like). In the above code you will see a reference to test.htm that is the name of the second file (the popup itself). You can choose whatever name for the file that wish. The second item next to test.htm is just a descriptive tag that will name the windows, after that comes some options that will allow you to size the windows. The width and height are measured in pixels. This code should be placed in your document where you want the link to appear.

Now we present the code that makes up the popup windows:  

<script language="Javascript">

Replace "contact.me" with the first part of your email address (the part before the @ symbol) and replace "mydomain.com" with your domain name (the part following the @symbol) TIP: use an obcure email address preferably a two part with a period in between. Many spammers are now sending spam blindly to email addresses such as: webmaster, info, contact, sales, etc
document.write("<font face='Arial,Helvetica' size=2>");
document.write("<a href='mailto:" +emailname + "@" + emailserver + "'>");
document.write("<font color='0000ff'>");

document.write(emailname +"@" +emailserver);
If you don't want to show the email address, you can also put in descriptive text like email us, or contact me into this line.
<form><input type='image' src="close.gif" Value='Close this window' onClick='window.close()' width="72" height="22" >
This snip of code creates the form that lets the visitor close the page by clicking.

Learn more about ASP.NET: http://www.asp.net/learnmore
This website copyright Chinook Webs A Canadian Company® 
Our web hosting operations are located in Calgary Alberta Canada 

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